HOME 16.3 Export certificates to OpenPGP certificate servers Top 18 Signing and encrypting files17 Encrypting file attachments Contents German

17 Encrypting file attachments

If you want to send an encrypted e-mail and attach files, you generally also want your attachments to be encrypted.

Where GnuPG is well integrated into your e-mail program, attachments should be treated just like the actual text of your e-mail, hence they should be signed, encrypted or both.

GpgOL automatically assumes the encryption and signing of attachments.

In the case of encryption tools that are not as well integrated into an e-mail program, you have to be careful: Attachments are often sent along in uncrypted form.

What to do in such a case? Easy: you encrypt the attachment separately and then attach it to the e-mail. Therefore this is no different from simply encrypting files, as described in Chapter 18.

© 31. August 2010, v3.0.0-beta1 (last minor changes from 21. September 2010)
The Gpg4win Compendium is filed under the GNU Free Documentation License v1.2.

HOME 16.3 Export certificates to OpenPGP certificate servers Top 18 Signing and encrypting files17 Encrypting file attachments Contents German